Happy Luna New Year – 2018

In honor of the new year, a "Lion Dance" was held at work to drive away evil
spirits and grant us good luck thru the coming year.

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3. %caption%   Photo©Shri M.

4. The lion says hello to Eric (official Executive Sponsor of the event).   Photo©Shri M.

5. Eric later said the lion kept throwing back the oranges he was offered as he only wanted money.

6. We had a feast of traditional [american] chinese food.  Photo©Shri M.

7. Chinese character for 'Happiness'.  Photo©Shri M.

8. Yong, Ting, Wonny, Yingying, Annie, Tingting, Eric, Yu, Shanshan, Botao, ???, Ka Kau, Weiyao, Sean.  Photo©Shri M.

9. Yu, Yingying, Botao, Wonny.   Photo©Shri M.

10. The lion paraded thru the building.

11. Accompanied by muscians.

12. The lion greets Tom.   Photo©Shri M.

13. And he danced for a while in the lobby. Photo©Janice G.

14. Moe [Maureen] confessed the lion really scared her. Video©Janice G.

Note: A 'Lion Dance' is not the same as a 'Dragon Dance'.   More info in this Wikipedia entry.

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All unattributed photos ©2017 Skipper Morris.

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