Solar Eclipse—21-August-2017

Partial Solar Eclipse from Cambridge, MA.

A huge crowd from work was all watching. A company composed almost entirely of geeks didn't get much work done. The building was basically empty for the entire time.

Focusing was difficult, auto-focus kept guessing. Manual focus was just about impossible.

1. Camera's view with no filter (Leica D-LUX Type 109, 75mm film equiv, 1/16000 sec @f16.)

2. This shot with a dark grey lens from plastic eclipse sunglasses held in front of the camera lens (1/125 sec @f2.8).

3. This shot with a dark green glass held in front of the camera (1/125 sec @f3.5).

Other interesting images of the eclipse found on the internet:

4. Colonial Lake in Charleston, South Carolina. ©Wade Spees—The Post and Courier.

5. Eclipse at totality near Fairview Kansas. ©Travis Morisse—Hutch News.

6. Gateway Arch in St. Louis. ©Jeff Roberson—AP.

7. Ravenel Bridge, Charleston, South Carolina. ©Wade Spees—The Post and Courier.

8. Progression of eclipse over Ross Lake, Northern Cascades National Park, Washington [State]. ©Bill Ingalls—NASA

9. Statue of Liberty, Liberty Island, NY. ©Seth Wenig—AP.

All unattributed photos ©2017 Skipper Morris.

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