Why Inner Tubes don't belong on the Lower Winnie...

This is all Joe's fault. Seems he 'rescued' a large inner tube from being pinned on
the Lower [Class III] Section of the Winnipesaukee River. We decided this was the
perfect craft to add to the club rental fleet.

But first... we needed to demo it...

I talked Farmer into joining me. Dave and Andrew showed uncommon good sense
by offering to take pictures from a safe distance.

1. This thing is pretty big; how do we fit in it?

2. Ahhh, a tandem tube. It paddles in circles quite well.

3. Oops...

4. Let's try this again, maybe we were sitting wrong.

5. This time with feet up instead of dangling.

6. Oops #2...

7. Ya know, the real problem is the river is flat here and we only paddle whitewater...

8. Let's put this sucker into some Real Current!!!

9. But not to too much, we'll just climb down to reach the bottom of the rapid. (Farmer made sure
to wear his helmet this time... just in case...)

10. And there's a handy eddy there just below the bridge abutment.

11. Getting ready...

12. On your mark, get set...

13. And A-w-a-y Weeee Goooooo...

14. Oops #3...

15. Where'd the tube go? It's a cardinal rule to *never* be swimming downstream of your boat...

16. Farmer is long gone; but at least he kept hold of the paddle.

17. Let's try this once more. This time solo.

18. Ride'n in style!!!

Dave also took some video. That'll be posted as soon as he uploads it to YouTube.

[All photos taken 2-Sep-2009]

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