Winnipesaukee River - 29-May-2002

Release Level 1020 CFS, Paddler's Gauge 1.95.

Participants: Skip Morris, Julie Smith, Mark Lacroix, Tom

Mark taking a picture of the "Room of Doom"

View downstream of Room of Doom from eddy at top of rapid.
(The swim thru this is not fun, especially at high water...)

Looking upstream from top of Railroad at Colisseum/Room of Doom.
Mark and Julie visible.

Mark Lacroix starting down Railroad.

Out in the middle of Railroad.
(Sorry about the blur, it's hard to take pictures while paddling.)

Lining up for the left channel.
(Photographer is trying not to swim again.)

Passing thru the left channel.
(The blur in the top right-of-center is water on the lens.)

At the bottom of Railroad. Tom coming thru.

Julie coming thru.

The beautiful and talented Julie Smith shows her form.

Look Sharon, no hands...

Ca'mon Mark, smile.


I think he's having fun...

Julie gives it another shot.

But she's not smiling...

Nice surf though.

Break time.

Tom surfing the "big" wave...

In the middle of Zippy's Final Plunge.

Heading thru the left channel.
(I really was trying to hold the camera steady...)

At the bottom. End of a great day.