MVP Family Forks Weekend 2012

There was a smaller crowd this year due to rain. We did the Dead on Saturday (2800 cfs), and the Kennebec on Sunday. Two rafts on each day plus the usual horde of hard-boaters. Raft Guides Butch and Skip.

Day One - Dead River

1. Taking a break at Elephant Rock. (01-ElephantRock.jpg)

2. Kevin and Devin in the Duo. Erin and James also spent some time in the Duo as well. (02-DynamicDuo.jpg)

3. Going thru Mile Long Rapid. (Notice how the raft guide is busy taking photos since the crew seems to know what they were doing.) (03-MileLong.jpg)

4. Looking back up Poplar. Joan Janas, Devin, and Casey Gallagher in Skip's raft. Casey's comment: "WHAT was THAT?" (referring to Harold playing the "air guitar/paddle" as we went by). (04-PoplarRapid.jpg)

5. End of Trip, Regan, Joan Gallagher, Joan Janas & Devin. (05-EndOfTrip.jpg)

Day Two - Kennebec River

6. Looking up at Cathedral Eddy at the carnage recovery when the Shredder succeeded in their stated plan of "hitting all the big holes". (The Shredder, with a rated capacity of 400 lbs, was already overloaded with three big guys.) (06-KennebecCathedralEddy.jpg)

7. Butch's Crew with James Janas, Genevieve Darling, Butch, Alan D., Cody (former Shredder passenger), and Luke D. (07-ButchsCrew.jpg)

8. Butch's raft just skirting the edge of Magic. (08-ButchRaftInMagic.jpg)

9. Butch's raft below Magic. (09-ButchRaftInMagic2.jpg)

10. Kevin Lindberg paddling at the edge of Magic. (10-KevinInMagic.jpg)

11. Skip's raft following Butch's line (with Joan Janas, Laurie, Erin and Devin). Skip was originally planning on running the "highway"; but both Devin and Erin (at 10 and 11 years old), insisted on running Magic. Since the swim the day before in Poplar didn't phase Erin the older folks went along. (If you blow up the photo you'll see a smile on Devin's face that is a mile-wide.) Thanks to Laurie as well for rafting to help provide a little more strength on the boat. (11-SkipRaftInMagic.jpg)

12. Skip's raft below Magic. (12-SkipRaftInMagic2.jpg)

13. The shredder crew, a bit wiser now after a very long swim in the Alleyway, follows Skip's line and succeeds in avoiding Maytag. (13-ShredderInMagic.jpg)