National Guard F15 Boston Flyover – 13-Nov-2014

Five F15 fighter jets based at Barnes Air National Guard Base in Westfield did a flyover of Eastern Massachusetts landmarks as part of a photo-shoot.

The flyover was original scheduled for Wednesday morning, but rescheduled to Thursday due to weather.

1. The crowd along Memorial Drive waits their arrival; scheduled for 8:16am over the State House.

2. The fall colors were still nicely in evidence. They were supposed to fly over Salem first so I was looking northeast towards the Bunker Hill Monument.

3. The Charles River had a few crew teams rowing by.

4. The arrived 30 minutes late, first flying over the harbor and coming into view over the far end of Boston.

5. And in the blink-on-an-eye heading south.

6. The second pass went right over the city.

7. Then almost directly overhead in Cambridge. That's a news helicopter in the background.

8. The fifth jet off to the side obviously carrying the cameraman.

9. They weren't as loud as we were led to expect.

10. Directly over Kendall Square now.

11. And disappearing behind MIT.

12. Then around over Fenway Park.

13. The third pass turned left and followed the Charles River.

14. A little bit higher this time. Advertised altitude was 1000 feet.

15. And off to Foxboro Stadium.

16. Photo of the TV news coverage.

A few of the local news articles (there were many):

Boston Magazine—Flying High: F-15 Fighter Jets Will Soar Over the City Thursday
Bostom.Com—Five F-15 Fighter Jets Set to Fly Over Eastern Mass.
Boston Globe—National Guard plans low-altitude F-15 flyover

All unattributed photos ©2014 Skipper Morris.

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