Rodeo Houston Art Display

While living for a while in Texas I got in the habit of attending the huge Rodeo held in Houston each March. This thing boggles the mind. For those of us that run conventions, imagine one that lasts three weeks, has 2.5 million attendees, and is run by a staff of 15,000 volunteers split up into over 90 different committees running all sorts of activities. The Rodeo is a 501-c(3) non-profit. All of the proceeds get distributed as scholarships and school endowments.

Several of these activities are devoted to art, including a School Art Program that receives over 300,000 entries each year. Each year some of the best pieces are on display in the foyer of the Reliant Center on the rodeo grounds (Reliant Park, Reliant Stadium, Reliant Center and Reliant Arena).

As a long-time convention and art show runner, I examined with interest the display area which was setup as perhaps a couple dozen enclosed (secure) areas in the foyer for art to display hundreds of paintings, photos, quilts, etc. These enclosures are constructed on-site each year, then disassembled and put back into storage after the rodeo. Each is framed with wood and glass with a lockable door on the end. The pictures below are of one such enclosure.

One of the many art show panel areas.

Each contains about ten double sided panels.

Each panel is about six feet high by four feet wide and sits on the floor. (I didn't get exact measurements).

They are all linked together accordian fashion for stability.

Close up of wood framing and glass. The things are bolted together and are pretty sturdy.

Here's the access door at the end of each enclosure.

Send me any email if you have questions, or perhaps if you want more details I can look closer and get more pictures next March.

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