OPERATING SYSTEM: VAX/VMS V2.1 PRODUCT: VAX/VMS COMPONENT: LOGINOUT GRPNAM SECURITY HOLE IN LOGIN PROBLEM STATEMENT: The GRPNAM privilege is an evil demon, allowing the user to invoke its secret entrance for all manner of nefarious purposes not originally intended. RESPONSE FROM DEC: The great wizard VMS confronted the demon, raised his great oaken staff carved in ancient runes, and spoke the magic incantation: "$SETPRV IMAGEACTIVATIONENHANCEDPRIVILEGES $CMKRNL!!" There was a blinding flash of light and puff of smoke, and the demon, reduced to harmlessness, scurried off into the distance. Where his secret entrance had been was naught but a little pile of ashes, which the wind slowly drifted into letters spelling the words "FIXED IN V2.3".